Place born
Organisation / Person

Scamozzi, Vincenzo

1548 - 1616

Chatham Dockyard

1567 - 1984

Lipsius, Justus

1547 - 1606

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I

1533 - 1603

c. 1540-c. 1623, scientific instrument maker; engraver; mathematician, Dutch

Zeelst, Adriaan

1540 - 1623

1531-1595, Grand Master of the Knights of the Order of St John (1581-95), French

Verdala, Cardinal Hugo Loubenx de

1531 - 1595

1575-1660, mathematician, English

Oughtred, William

1575 - 1660

1555-1597/8, alchemist, English

Kelley, Sir Edward

1555 - 1598

1564-1642, astronomer; mathematician, Italian

Galilei, Galileo

1564 - 1642

1526-1576, mathematician; scientific instrument maker, German

Heiden, Christian

1526 - 1576

1553-1617, historian; book collector, French

Thou, Jacques Auguste de

1553 - 1617

1527-1598, cartographer; geographer, Flemish

Ortelius, Abraham

1527 - 1598

1551-1661(?), physician, Italian

Menabenus, Apollonius

1551 - 1661

c.1532-1590, principal secretary, English; British

Walsingham, Francis

1532 - 1590

1566-1638, globemaker; draughtsman; engraver, German

Greuter, Matthaus

1566 - 1638

1571-1638, cartographer; printer, Dutch

Blaeu, , Willem Janszoon

1571 - 1638

ca. 1530-1591, scientific instrument maker; die-sinker, engraver, English born, British

Cole, Humfrey

1530 - 1591

1529-1604, burgomaster of Leiden during the Spanish War and the pestilence of 1553, Dutch

Werfius, Petrus Adriani

1529 - 1604

1537-1553, king of England and Ireland, reigned 1547-1553

Edward VI

1537 - 1553

1561-1626, philosopher; politician, English

Bacon, Francis

1561 - 1626

1533-1606, master pilot; cartographer, Dutch

Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon

1533 - 1606

1538-1606, astronomical instrument and clock maker,

Habermel, Erasmus

1538 - 1606

1570-1647, shipwright; shipbuilder, English; British

Pett, the elder, Phineas

1570 - 1608

1567-1984, dockyard, Chatham, Medway, Kent, England, British

Chatham Dockyard

1567 - 1984

1569-1662, Catholic priest; metallurgist, active in Bolivia, Spanish

Barba, Alvaro Alonso

1569 - 1662

1525-1606/8, mathematical & scientific instrument maker, France

Danfrie, Philippe

1525 - 1608

1547-1606, philologist, Flemish; Belgian

Lipsius, Justus

1547 - 1606

c.1545-1612, herbalist, English

Gerard, John

1545 - 1612

Barba, Alvaro Alonso

1569 - 1662

1571-1630, mathematician; astronomer, German

Kepler, Johannes

1571 - 1630

1527-1609, mathematician, astrologer, and antiquary, English

Dee, John

1527 - 1609

1866-1883, railway company, United Kingdom

Llynvi & Ogmore Railway

628 - 1883

1537-1619, anatomist, Italian

ab Acquapendente, Hieronymus Fabricius

1537 - 1619

1546-1601, astronomer, Danish

Brahe, Tycho

1546 - 1601

1550-1617, mathematician, Scottish

Napier, John

1550 - 1617

1572-1638, publisher, printer, Exeter, England, English

Stansby, William

1572 - 1609

1557-1619, Holy Roman Emperor, 1612-1619


1557 - 1619

1533-1603, reigned 1558-1603, sovereign, English

Elizabeth I

1533 - 1603

1527-1605, naturalist, Italian

Aldovandi, Ulisse

1527 - 1605

1531-1571, painter; artist; draughtsman, Italian

Manzuoli, Tommaso

1531 - 1571

1530 or 1531-1596, alchemist; publisher, German?

Thurneisser, Leonhardt

1530 - 1596

1549-1610, missionary of the Order of Friars Minor, saint, Andalusia, Spain, Spanish

Saint Francis Solanus

1549 - 1610

1542-1605, ruler of the Mughal Empire from 1556-1605, Persian

Akbar the Great

1542 - 1605

1552-1622, astronomer; cartographer; clergyman, Dutch

Plancius, Petrus

1552 - 1622

1561-1636, physician; physiologist, Italian

Santorio, Santorio

1561 - 1636

1532-1592, count of Hesse-Kassel,

Wilhelm IV

1532 - 1592

active 1592-1598, mathematician; maker of globes, mathematical instruments & ordnance, English

Molyneux, Emery

1560 - 1506

Hedges, Nick


1527-current (2010), university, Marburg, Germany, German

University of Marburg


1568-current (2011), stately home; safari park, English; British

Longleat House